
debug command meaning in English



  1. Invoked by debug commands
  2. Tells the debugger to ask you first before invoking edit and continue from a debug command
  3. While the test is running , you can use the usual debugging commands , such as continue and
    运行测试时,可以使用常用的调试命令,如“继续”和“跳出” 。
  4. Command has the same effect as pressing the f5 key or using the start debugging command
  5. Select the start without debugging command ctrl f5 to build the assembly and deploy it to the database
    选择“开始执行(不调试) ”命令( ctrl + f5 )可生成程序集并将其部署到数据库。
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Related Words

  1. debug
  2. jit debugging
  3. debug aids
  4. module debugging
  5. debug machine
  6. cabinet debugging
  7. debugging c
  8. hardware debug
  9. debugging mode
  10. emulator debug
  11. debug build
  12. debug card
  13. debug command address restriction
  14. debug control
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